Principal: Kathi Inman Berens, Ph.D.

An English professor at Portland State University, Dr. Kathi Inman Berens advises clients about transmedia & interactive storytelling, mobile user experience and executive education. Whether it’s beta-testing software for IBM (for which she won a 2012 IBM Faculty Award), or co-curating at the Library of Congress its first exhibit of interactive stories, Kathi’s passions prompt an unusual set of skills.
An early pioneer of virtual classroom meeting space, Kathi works to make software more intuitive & “live” in its responsiveness to human inputs. This is where her work as “bridge person” shines. Equally comfortable geeking out with engineers and crafting learning spaces with educators, Kathi is an autodidact with a great ear. She can quickly assess needs and offer a range of next steps to advance her client’s goals. For example, she has helped a Portland, OR mobile UX firm transform its unique approach into executive education courses later offered at a local university.