
Is your business future proof?
The competitor you know about will only maim you. It’s the trend you don’t see coming–the meteor coming from a clear blue sky–that will kill you.
To help organizations see around corners, take advantage of hidden opportunities, and drag unseen threats into focus, Big Digital Idea Consulting has created the Meteor Strike Threat Assessment (MSTA).
The MSTA combines sharpest-edge, longitudinal research into how technology changes behavior, keen trend-watching, deep-dive qualitative interviews, industry know-how, and the insights of a network of savvy thought leaders and top-flight practitioners.
How it Works
Step 1: Research–Under NDA, we perform deep-dive, ethnographically-informed, qualitative interviews with select C-Suite execs in your organization.
Step 2: Analysis–We compare the information surfaced in the interviews with the trend-watching research and user-behavior insights from our work with the Center for the Digital Future at USC Annenberg. What disruptive innovations likely to arrive in the next six to 18 months are you ignoring?
Step 3: Consultation–We pre-test our conclusions against the experience and insights of our network, all while protecting your confidentiality.
Step 4: Presentation–We share the results of our assessment with you in a real-time briefing (either face-to-face or by videoconference), followed by a short written analysis.
Usual Duration: One month.
Contact us at #(310) 651-6976 or via email today.